About me
I've always loved nature - wildflowers in particular. When I was small, I loved learning all the names and pressing tiny flowers under piles of books. To me, flowers bring a bit of magic into life. They are always cheery and often breathtakingly beautiful. Nothing makes a home feel more alive and loved, or brings more hygge (which, roughly translated, means making ordinary things cosy and special) than some pots of flowers dotted about. And the wilder and more natural-looking, the better. I like flowers to look like they look in their natural habitat - in a hedgerow, a forest or a meadow.
I have worked in the design world for the past 20 years, most recently as an interior designer on theatre and residential projects. I have also recently styled for fashion photoshoots and created window displays for independent shops.
I set up floraWILD in 2016 and have been spreading the floral love for parties, weddings, funerals, events, a monthly market stall and one-off arrangements.